Friday, November 30, 2012

Traveler's Blues (multiply post, Feb 17, '12 5:45 PM)

He was walking down the highway
And found a stray dog dying.
He was walking down the highway
And found a stray dog dying.
He noticed nobody on the road
And the dog smilingly just went away.

Amazed at what he had just seen,
He went straight to a police station.
Amazed at what he had just seen,
He went straight to a police station.
And the policemen laughingly said,
“You’ll get busted with that kind of situation.”

Grabbing his bag, he hailed a taxicab,
Found himself in a place called Goatie’s Club.
Grabbing his bag, he hailed a taxicab,
Found himself in a place called Goatie’s Club.
He said to himself, “Lord have mercy on me
“ ’Cause I need to be within an enthusiastic mob.”

Everybody was standing on the table dancing
And a stranger of the night grabbed my hand.
Everybody was standing on the table dancing
And a stranger of the night grabbed my hand.
She kissed my lips and left a mark of modesty
Her waving behind is music from a band.

Look into my eyes in front of the mirror
Got a busload of it inside my system.
Look into my eyes in front of the mirror
Got a busload of it inside my system.
I want to go out again and repeat those scenes
But someone’s in here calling my name.


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